Lawn Maintenance 101

Maintaining a lush, green, healthy lawn is crucial to the upkeep of your property, and requires a particular attention to detail to ensure it looks its absolute best no matter the season.

Let’s take a look at some of the key components essential to cultivating an expanse of grass you can be proud of. 

The Perfect Cut

Dodds Worker Mowing LawnProper mowing technique involves trimming no more than one-third of the blade with each cutting, as this length goes a long way in maintaining both drought tolerance and thickness, to best crowd out weeds. Summer, however, is a season which calls for a slight height adjustment, as keeping blades a bit longer will generate more shade for the soil during the warmer months. 

Cutting when the grass is cool and dry is recommended, as wet clumps will ultimately clog the mower, and full sun tends to place undue stress on the grass. Alternate the direction of mowing with each session; repetition will lead to compacted soil and create ruts over time. Maintenance of your mower should also not be ignored, as dull, jagged blades can tear openings through which pests and diseases may enter the grass. 


Of course, mowing is just one aspect of maintaining your lawn. 

Comprehensive Care

Dodds Worker Raking PlantsWeed control is essential to keep those pesky intruders away. Prevention may be useful early in the growing season, to vaccinate the lawn to a degree. Those that are actively growing will also benefit from the application of treatments. 

To maximize benefits, application prior to germination is recommended. Crabgrass, one of the most pervasive weeds, typically blooms just after the initial forsythia blossoms, providing an early spring gauge. Take care not to apply weed preventer at the same time as you seed your lawn, however, as you will ultimately hinder the process. 

Fertilizing is best done in the autumn in the northern sections of the country. By feeding in late fall when the growth has slowed but the grass remains green, grass will tend to flourish earlier come the following spring. Aeration, as well, should be employed when the lawn is actively growing and the soil is moist, for best results. 


With all aspects of lawn maintenance, timing is everything. 

Develop Healthy Habits

Once you’ve established whether your lawn is a warm or cool season turfgrass, it’s essential to develop a fertilizing schedule. Five times a year is ideal, though the heat of summer should be avoided in order to minimize stress on the lawn. Slow-release fertilizer is especially useful during the fall season, applied just prior to a rainfall for best results. 

Avoid overwatering by keeping to once every three days, in the early morning; this gives the lawn a chance to drink before the warmth of the sun dries and lessens the chance of absorption. Nighttime watering, though often thought to be ideal, is not, as the excessive moisture retention can encourage the chance of disease. 

Though weekly mowing is likely adequate for the majority of the year, spring may necessitate four- to five-day cycles, as the seed takes hold and growth escalates. Remove weeds if they continue to flourish, and take care to aerate in areas with heavier foot traffic. Dethatch during autumn, either by using power rakes or vertical mowers. 


The best maintenance, bar none, is done by knowledgeable professionals with an eye for detail, who will see to it that the proper measures are taken during each month of the year to ensure your lawn remains an impressive stretch of green for all to admire. 

For more information on lawn maintenance, and to schedule a consultation, contact Dodds & Eder today.

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